This conference is addressed to researchers, industry/market operators and students of different backgrounds (scientific, engineering and humanistic) whose work is either focused on or affined to Location Based Services (LBS). The conference will offer a common ground to bring together colleagues from various disciplines and practice where they can meet, interact and exchange knowledge, experience, plans and ideas on how LBS can and could be improved and on how it will influence both science and society.
We want to encourage those working in and with current issues in location based services to share their developments, research and results.
Create account and submit contribution
We invite abstract submissions of research papers in the following areas (but not limited to):
- Augmented reality in an LBS context
- Data mining and knowledge discovery
- Indoor Navigation Databases
- Innovative LBS systems and applications
- LBS and Web 2.0
- Legal and business aspects in LBS
- Novel user interfaces and interaction techniques
- Open source solutions and standards
- Personalization and context-aware adaptation
- Privacy and ethical issues in LBS
- Positioning/Indoor positioning
- Smart environments and spatial intelligence
- Smart mobile phone navigation and LBS technologies
- Spatio-temporal data acquisition, processing, and analysis
- Three-dimensional visualization in the LBS context
- Usability issues in LBS
- User studies and evaluations
- Visualization techniques for LBS
- Wayfinding/Navigation (indoor/outdoor)
Contribution Type
We invite to the following type of contribution:
- The word limit are intended for pure text without references and table/figure captions -
- Full paper (up to 3000 words, in English) to present original work on contemporary location based topics. Submitted full paper will be reviewed by the scientific committee.
- Abstracts (up to 800 words, in English) to present ongoing work on contemporary location based topics. Submitted abstracts will be reviewed by the scientific committee.
We are exploring the potential for a special issue of Springer’s Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography or a special issue of Journal of Location Based Services (JLBS) after the conference, which will have a separate review process. Authors of selected submissions from the above categories will be invited to submit extended versions of their work to this special issue.
Author Kit
We provides an example paper in PDF and DOC format to demonstrate the style and the actual MS Word templates for submissions:
- PDF Example: LBS-example.pdf
- MS-Word Example: LBS-example.doc
- MS-Word Template:
Instructions for authors
- For submission the manuscript should not contain author's name and affiliation to make the blind review process possible! Otherwise, submissions will be rejected without review. Thus, authors are asked to take reasonable efforts to hide their identities, including not listing their names or affiliations and omitting acknowledgments and self citations. This information will of course be included in the published version.
- By submitting a manuscript to the LBS 2022, the authors assert that it has not been previously published in substantially similar form.
- Image resolution for your figures is more then 150 dpi!