Travel Grants

The International Cartographic Association (ICA) are sponsoring Travel Grants for students to attend the LBS 2022 conference. Please send an e-mail to, having as subject LBS 2022 Travel Grants and include a PDF document including the following information:

  • Full name
  • Institution full address
  • Contact details including e-mail address and telephone number
  • Your gender (male/female/diverse)
  • CV
  • A proof of professional status (PhD-student, MSc-student, etc.), e.g., a copy of student id, or confirmation from supervisor
  • If applicable: the title and ConfTool submission id of each submission to LBS 2022 you are co-authoring.
  • A one-page letter of interest highlighting the impossibility of getting (sufficient) other sources of funding, and the importance for the applicant to attend the LBS 2022 conference, also with respect to the scientific expectations of the applicant.
Deadline to apply for grants is 15thApril 2022 23:59 CET.
Results of the selection process will be communicated by email before 15thJuly 2022 at the latest.

Each student accepted for a Travel Grants will receive the grant through the ICA Scholarship (decision made by the selection committee).